
AMERICANS, DUPED AND MISLED Ready to be published soon By Ibrahim Naoum Ibrahim Ebeid

Ready to be published soon
By Ibrahim Naoum Ibrahim Ebeid
A segment
The Christian Zionists launched their crusader war against Iraq simultaneously with the Bush occupation of that country. Bush himself called his attack on Iraq a new “crusader” war. Whether George Bush meant it or it was a slip of the tongue, it became the motto of his coreligionists, the Christian Zionists.
The Christian Zionists, blinded by fanaticism and racism, declared on many occasions that Allah is an “idol “ and that he is a terrorist God. The American Christian missionaries have declared a “war for souls” in Iraq. This war is similar to George W. Bush’s war. But it is not for “weapons of mass destruction” and “democracy,” it is for enforcing Zionist Christianity on the people of Iraq.
The so-called Christian organizations are disguising themselves as humanitarian aid. They are like the devil that covers himself with the skin of the lamb but in reality, he is a wolf who wants to devour the lambs. They are bringing us Arabic bibles to convert us to Zionist Christianity, in order to subjugate us to the malice of Imperialism and Zionism, distort our heritage and our culture, and block our hopes for a better life. These “Christians” have forgotten that the monotheistic religions which they have distorted came from us, and we are the cornerstones of all monotheistic religions. Our ancestors carried these religious messages to the entire world.
Jerry Vines, former head of the Southern Baptist Convention, has described Prophet Mohammed as a “demon-obsessed pedophile.” Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham and the head of Samaritan’s Purse, has described Islam as a “very evil and wicked religion.” Jon Hanna describes Islam as “false” and says “The Muslim religion is an antichrist religion.”
We were accustomed to missionaries and their malicious aims throughout history, they are quite clear to us. They are, in most cases, part of the occupying and aggressor forces. The missionaries of these days are the same as those who accompanied the first crusaders. The Zionist Christians are the worst among all missionaries.
I write as a Christian Arab from Palestine, whose culture and heritage are Muslim Christian. I have studied the Holy Quran several times. I have seen no evidence of the claims of the Zionist Christians. Islam is a monotheistic religion and the story of Issa Al Maseeh, Jesus Christ, occupies a large portion of the Holy Quran, elegantly expressed and detailed. I refer those fanatics to Surat Al Immran and to Surat Mariam to see how revered Jesus is, and indeed he is considered the Messiah. (Issa Al Maseeh).
I am not here to defend Islam; Islam does not need anyone to defend it. It is divine. It is supreme and formidable. Those people who launch the war against Islam and want to force the conversion upon the believers are ignorant, tyrant, and intolerant. They themselves need salvation because they are the captives of Zionist domination; they have gone astray from the true faith of Christianity. They have distorted the teachings of Christ who taught us that God is love and they made him a hateful and vengeful one.

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