
Is Israel a US Military Outer Post? By Ibrahim Ebeid

By Ibrahim Ebeid

Is Israel a US Military Outer Post?
By Ibrahim Ebeid.
October 26,2023

As a US citizen of Arab origin, I find myself torn between my country of origin and my adopted country. I am American by choice, not by chance, like most Americans whose parents or ancestors emigrated to the United States decades ago. I was forced to leave my country of origin because my adopted country, the United States of America chose to support the Zionists to occupy
my country, Palestine.
When I was in my early teens, I became a refugee, like millions of my compatriots who were forced to live in misery, in refugee camps. We were hoping to return to our homes, to our towns and villages as we were promised.
Many generations died in agony, anxious to return, and their descendants still hold this. Many decades have passed, and we are still waiting.
One decade after I became a refugee, I was destined to settle in the United States. Whether I like it or not, I am here in the land of the Red Indians that the white settlers from Europe usurped.
Unfortunately, all US presidents misled the American people and engraved in their minds that “Israel” has the right to exist in my native land. They described my people, who were and still are the victims of American and Zionist terror, as aggressors. They accused and still accuse my Palestinian people of being terrorists for defending their endangered existence.
The United States, along with the European countries, without any exclusion, ignored the rights of the entire population of Palestine to continue living in their country and helped create this racist settler colonialist state in our midst. The citizens of my country of origin, believe in their right to return to their homes to establish their own state and are resisting American imperialism and racist Zionism by all means available to them. The Zionist
soldiers are fighting the Palestinians with guns, missile artillery, and the latest most advanced weaponry from the American arsenal. Unfortunately, my people are using their bodies as weapons to resist the Zionist invasion and occupation, because they are deprived and forbidden to have any modern weapons to defend themselves.
Elections come and go, and a president is elected in the same image as the previous one. To me, it does not matter who is the president. All of them, from Truman to Trump to Joe Biden, were and are controlled and dominated by the Zionist movement. They support the illegitimate Zionist Israeli state, and each one promises us heaven on Earth and promises us to change.
Promises don’t matter; what matters is the change of the heart of America. We need a radical change where human life and the dignity of all nations are respected.
A friend, I was able to communicate with from Gaza, told me Israel escalated airstrikes across the Gaza Strip, the ground was shaking, and he was scared, then the communication was gone, then I heard from the Associated Press that many crushed families in the rubble of residential buildings, as health officials said hundreds of Palestinians were killed in the past day and medical facilities were shut down because of bomb damage and lack of power.
The massive air bombardment continued through the night as Israeli jets hit sites across Gaza, the Hamas-run Interior Ministry said.
I thank the hundreds of thousands of Americans who stormed the streets of America the war against the Palestinians must stop, Free, Free Palestine, Palestine must be free Hopefully, this is the awakening of America. Don’t allow Israel to be an outer US military post to commit atrocities.

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