
Hamas’ Response to the Paris Proposal: Translated from Arabic by Ibrahim Ebeid.

Translated from Arabic by Ibrahim Ebeid

Hamas’ Response to the Paris Proposal:

Translated from Arabic by Ibrahim Ebeid.
February 17, 2024

According to a document of Hamas’ response to the framework agreement reached by mediators at a meeting with the Israeli side in Paris last weekend, the group proposed a three-stage ceasefire plan with Israel during which prisoners would be exchanged.

As evidenced by its response to the “framework agreement” reached in Paris, Hamas proposed a three-phase ceasefire plan in the Gaza Strip during which prisoners would be exchanged with Israel.

The mediators had handed the Israeli and American sides a copy of Hamas’ three-page response, including amendments to the framework agreement, in addition to an annex on guarantees and demands aimed at stopping the war on Gaza and removing the effects of aggression.

The plan includes the exchange of Israeli prisoners for Palestinian prisoners, the reconstruction of Gaza, ensuring the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, and the exchange of bodies and remains;

Hamas, as seen in the text of the response published by the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, excerpts of which were quoted by Reuters, demands that the first phase – the “humanitarian phase” of the agreement include a 45-year truce.

During this phase, “all Israeli detainees (in the Gaza Strip), women, children (under 19 years of age, non-recruits), the elderly and the sick, will be released.”

In exchange for the release of the Israelis, Hamas demands the release of all prisoners in Israeli prisons, including women, children, the elderly (over 50 years old), and the sick, in addition to 1,500 prisoners, 500 of whom Hamas names from life sentences and high sentences.

The following is the verbatim text of Hamas’ response:

Draft – Preliminary Response/Hamas Response to a General Framework for a Comprehensive Agreement between the Parties (Between the Israeli Occupation and Hamas and the Palestinian Factions)

This agreement aims to stop mutual military operations between the parties, reach a complete and sustainable calm, exchange prisoners between the two parties, end the siege on Gaza, rebuild, return residents and displaced persons to their homes, and provide shelter and relief requirements for all residents in all areas of the Gaza Strip, according to the following stages:

First stage (45 days):

This humanitarian phase aims to release all Israeli detainees, including women, children (under the age of 19 who are not recruited), the elderly, and the sick, in exchange for a specific number of Palestinian prisoners, in addition to intensifying humanitarian assistance, repositioning forces outside populated areas, allowing the start of reconstruction work on hospitals, homes, and facilities in all areas of the Gaza Strip, allowing the United Nations and its agencies to provide humanitarian services, and establishing shelter camps for the population, according to the following:

A temporary cessation of military operations, an aerial survey, and the repositioning of Israeli forces away from populated areas throughout the Gaza Strip along the dividing line to enable the parties to complete the exchange of detainees and prisoners.
The parties shall release Israeli women and children (under 19 years of age who are not recruited), the elderly, and the sick in exchange for several Palestinian prisoners, provided that this is done in a manner that ensures the release during this stage of all persons whose names are included in the pre-agreed lists.
Intensify the entry of necessary and sufficient quantities for the needs of the population (to be determined) of humanitarian aid, fuel, and the like daily, as well as allow the arrival of appropriate quantities of humanitarian assistance to all areas in the Gaza Strip, including the northern Gaza Strip, and the return of displaced persons to their places of residence in all areas of the Strip.
Reconstruction of hospitals throughout the Gaza Strip, the introduction of the necessary camps for the population/tents to house the population, and the resumption of all humanitarian services provided to the population by the United Nations and its agencies.
Start (indirect) discussions on the requirements for restoring complete calm.
The annex attached to the details of the first phase is an integral part of this agreement, provided that the details of the second and third phases are agreed upon during the first phase’s implementation.
Second stage (45 days):

Indirect talks on the requirements for the continuation of the cessation of mutual military operations and the return to a state of complete calm must be completed and announced before the implementation of the second phase, which aims to release all male detainees (civilians and conscripts), in exchange for specific numbers of Palestinian prisoners, the continuation of humanitarian measures for the first phase, the withdrawal of Israeli forces outside the borders of all areas of the Gaza Strip, and the start of comprehensive reconstruction of homes, installations and infrastructure that were destroyed in all areas of the Gaza Strip. Gaza, according to specific mechanisms that ensure the implementation of this and the end of the siege on the Gaza Strip in total, by what will be agreed upon in the first phase.

Third stage (45 days):

This phase aims to exchange the bodies and remains of the dead on both sides after arrival and identification and the continuation of humanitarian measures for the first and second phases, according to what will be agreed upon in the first and second phases.

Framework Agreement Annex: Phase I Details

A complete cessation of military operations by both sides and the cessation of all forms of air activity, including surveys, for the duration of this phase.
Repositioning Israeli forces away from populated areas throughout the Gaza Strip, along the dividing line east and north, to enable the parties to complete the exchange of detainees and prisoners.
The two parties shall release Israeli detainees, including women, children (under the age of 19 years who are not recruited), the elderly, and the sick, in exchange for all prisoners in the occupation prisons, including women, children, the elderly (over 50 years old) and the sick, who have been detained until the date of signing this agreement without exception, in addition to 1,500 Palestinian prisoners, 500 of whom are designated by Hamas from life sentences and high sentences.
Complete the necessary legal procedures to ensure that Palestinian and Arab prisoners are not re-arrested on the same charge on which they were detained.
The mutual and simultaneous release shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure the release of all persons included in the previously agreed lists during this stage, and the names and lists are exchanged before implementation.
Improving the conditions of prisoners in the occupation prisons and lifting the measures and penalties taken after 7/10/2023.
Cessation of Israeli settler incursions and aggression against Al-Aqsa Mosque and restoration of the situation in Al-Aqsa Mosque to what it was before 2002.
Intensify the delivery of necessary and sufficient quantities for the needs of the population (at least 500 trucks) of humanitarian aid, fuel, and the like daily, as well as allow appropriate amounts of humanitarian assistance to reach all areas of the Gaza Strip, especially in the northern Gaza Strip.
The return of the displaced to their places of residence in all areas of the Gaza Strip, and ensuring the freedom of movement of residents and citizens by all means of transportation and not hindering them in all areas of the Gaza Strip, especially from south to north.
Please ensure the opening of all crossings with the Gaza Strip, the resumption of trade, and the unimpeded free movement of people and goods.
Lift any Israeli restrictions on the movement of passengers, the sick, and the wounded through the Rafah crossing.
Ensure that all wounded men, women, and children are released for treatment abroad without restrictions.
Egypt and Qatar shall lead efforts with all necessary authorities to manage and supervise the ensure, achievement and completion of the following issues:
Could you provide and introduce the necessary heavy equipment to remove rubble and debris?
Providing civil defense equipment and the requirements of the Ministry of Health.
The process of rebuilding hospitals and bakeries throughout the Gaza Strip and introducing the necessary resources to establish camps for the residents/tents to house the residents.
At least 60,000 temporary houses (caravans/containers) will be entered so that every week of the entry into force of this phase, 15,000 houses enter the Gaza Strip, in addition to 200,000 shelter tents, an average of 50,000 tents every week, to shelter those whose homes were destroyed by the occupation during the war.
Begin the reconstruction and repair of infrastructure in all areas of the Gaza Strip and rehabilitate the electricity, telecommunications, and water networks.
Approving the plan to reconstruct houses, economic installations, and public facilities destroyed by the aggression and scheduling the reconstruction process within 3 years.
Resumption of all humanitarian services provided to the population in all areas of the Gaza Strip by the United Nations and its agencies, especially UNRWA, and all international organizations working to start their work in all areas of the Gaza Strip as they were before 7/10/2023.
Resupply the Gaza Strip with the fuel needed to restructure the power plant and all sectors.
The occupation’s commitment is to provide Gaza with its electricity and water needs.
Start (indirect) talks on the requirements for the continuation of the cessation of mutual military operations to return to a state of complete and mutual calm.
The exchange process is closely linked to the extent to which the commitment to adequate aid, relief, and shelter that has been mentioned and agreed upon has been achieved.
Guarantors of the agreement: (Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, Russia, United Nations).

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