
Biden and Netanyahu have the same doctrine. Editorial By Ibrahim Ebeid.

Editorial By Ibrahim Ebeid

Biden and Netanyahu have the same doctrine.

By Ibrahim Ebeid.
February 23, 2024
Biden and Netanyahu are on the same track with the same aim but at different speeds. Their goal is to cleanse Palestine from its people and make it entirely Jewish. To achieve this dream is to quench Palestinian resistance by any inhumane means, such as ethnic cleansing accompanied by genocide.
The US administration, along with the Christian Zionists, are wasting no time brainwashing the people with Biblical myths for the second coming of Christ after gathering the Jews in Palestine and converting them to Christianity. Those who refuse to be converted will die by the sword. Of course, the hidden reason behind it all is that the Zionist entity as a Western base amid the Arab Land imposed upon the Arab rulers to serve the will of the colonialist, imperialist governments of the West, keeping the Arab fragmented facilitates the control and wealth as a spoil in the coffers of the Western powers.
Netanyahu wants to do away with the Palestinian people to fulfill the Zionist dream of “Greater Israel, while Biden and others tried to do it slowly and silently, killing with a silencer without any roar.
The leader of the Zionist entity is racist to the bones, even discriminating against the dark-skinned Jews from Africa.

Reports stated that the steadfastness of the people of Gaza in the face of the Israeli massacres and the ability of the resistance to inflict heavy losses on the ranks of the white officers and soldiers of the Zionist army pushed the racist and extremist occupation government to push soldiers from the Falasha Jews to the front line of the war and to the most dangerous points therein. To be the scapegoat for their white colleagues.
Netanyahu and Biden share the same ideology and hatred to the Palestinians, to the Jews who are not Zionists, the hatred to the people of Gaza, and to the dark-skinned Jews who are not Europeans. President Biden wants a temporary ceasefire for the benefit of the illegal entity to get the hostages released, among them Americans. Then, the war would continue in Gaza and in the rest of Palestine. Ethnic cleansing and genocide continued to achieve the Zionist dream, ” Israel,” from the Euphrates to the Nile.
Biden, Netanyahu, and Zionism are detrimental to the Jews and to humanity. I am one of the victims of their terrible act.

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