
Stop the Carnage in Sudan and Palestine. By Ibrahim Ebeid. February 29, 2024 Editorial

By Ibrahim Ebeid. February 29, 2024 Editorial

Stop the Carnage in Sudan and Palestine.
By Ibrahim Ebeid.
February 29, 2024

We were hoping that the Arabs and the international community would put an end to the vicious war that is taking place in Sudan and Palestine.
The Arab regimes are very busy finding a way to normalize relations with the Zionist entity, and the International Community is busy reaping the best from the conflicts and wars in the Arab Countries, such as Palestine, Syria, and Sudan. Al-Ahwaz, Iskandaron, and other parts of the occupied Arab World are long forgotten by those miserable regimes.
Unfortunately the big powers are controlling the Arab rulers and dictate to them every move. The United States has the lion’s share and carries a big whip to smash these leaders and keep them under control.
The genocide in Gaza is taking place on a large scale: Arab and Muslim leaders are silent and hiding in holes underground. Some of these Arab regimes shamelessly are supporting ” Israel” with various types of food and vegetables, depriving their people of the necessities. Some news was spreading recently that the Saudi family forbade the Palestinians who are working in Arabia from transferring money to help their families in Gaza and the West Bank. In our opinion, this act makes the Saudi regime part of participating in starving the people, precisely like the Zionists.

According to our Sudanese comrades and activists, the chances of reaching solutions to stop the war in Sudan are faltering and seemingly far-fetched for multiple reasons, the most important of which is the absence of the political will of both parties and political influence in decision-making by internal and external forces, which makes its parties unable to hold the reins of the historical moment that requires stopping the war and destruction immediately and urgently without any conditions and engaging in a political process with a central goal that is the return of the civil democratic transition and building sustainable peace.

The United States and the other big powers do not give a damn about Sudan and its people m they do not care about the starvation of the people that amounted to a disaster, the displacement of the people, and the destruction of Sudan might pave the way for more division and separation. It might rip Sudan apart into mini-states. The United States and the big powers care only for Sudan’s gold and other natural wealth.
We have seen this pattern around many parts of the Third World, in the Arab World, and in Africa; continuous wars are taking place; if these countries who are victimized do not stand up and liberate themselves from foreign control, future generations will suffer as well.
We call upon the people of the World to stand up and help Sudan and Palestine and to stop wars and conflicts.

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