
TO REMEMBER America’s Crime on the Way to Death in Iraq by Fouad El Hajj-Australia

ranslated from Arabic by Ibrahim Ebeid

TO REMEMBER America’s Crime on the Way to Death in Iraq
Fouad El Hajj-Australia
On this day, on the night of 26/27 of February 1991, one of the largest human massacres in Iraq took place, and it was more bloody and brutal than other massacres until that date.
The massacre took place on Highway 80, which connects Kuwait City to the Abdali border crossing on the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border, and from there on Safwan, the road linking Safwan to Basra. After the ceasefire was announced with America and Iraq’s consent, the Iraqi army began its withdrawal from Kuwait on its way to Basra, in implementation of Security Council Resolution 660, where Iraqi President Saddam Hussein ordered the withdrawal of the Iraqi army from Kuwait.
In this regard, the commander-in-chief of U.S. forces in the Gulf, General Norman Schwarzkopf, received direct orders from U.S. President George H.W. Bush “not to let anyone, or anything, leave Kuwait City.”
The bombardment began around midnight when United States fighter jets first blew up the vehicles and vehicles that were in front as well as those in the rear to block the road to immobilize them and prevent them from advancing or reversing. Then they bombed the convoy held in the middle for many hours, without interruption, with various types of bombs. In the Death Road massacre, the aircraft of the American, British, Canadian and French forces used a number of lethal weapons against The withdrawing Iraqi army forces, including (cluster munitions, A-10 shells, Maverick munitions, and laser-guided incendiary munitions), as it turned out later, as that road turned from a highway leading to Basra to a road of death, a road with a length of more than 100 km, and the Iraqi army at the time included residents from Kuwait and residents from neighboring areas along that road from Iraqis heading to the city of Baghdad, but the orders of US President George H.W. Bush were on the lookout for them, so he issued an order They carried out massacres and mass massacres of the Iraqi army during its withdrawal, where the latest types of rockets and weapons were used at a low altitude from the withdrawing convoy, and they bombed that convoy, which included more than 1,400 Iraqi civilian and military vehicles, where all these vehicles were burned and the bodies of those who were in them were charred, and the bodies were scattered in different places of the road, and more than 10,000 Iraqi soldiers were martyred, and large numbers have not been counted until today, and among the victims were women, children and Iraqi civilians who were They live in Kuwait, and theywithdrew with the Iraqi army for fear of reprisals against them, as well as residents of the areas along the road to death.
Lebanese-American journalist Joyce Chidiac documented what happened in the March 1991 massacre on the Road of Death, saying: “The trucks were bombed so heavily that they stuck to the ground, and it was impossible to tell by looking at them whether they were carrying drivers or not, and the windshield of these trucks melted completely, huge tanks were turned into iron scrap, and American planes surrounded long convoys by disabling vehicles from the front and back, and then bombed traffic jams stretching along the road to death for hours.”
Chidiac added: “The massacre committed against the withdrawing Iraqi army flagrantly violates Law No. 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, this law that criminalizes the killing of soldiers who are outside the war and fighting,” and said: “These Iraqi forces were not taken out of Kuwait by the American forces as the Bush administration claims, nor were they withdrawing to restructure their units to fight again, in fact they were withdrawing because they were out of the war, they were returning. “It is a heinous war crime to attack and exterminate soldiers returning home in such a shameful way.”
Years after that massacre, General Norman Schwarzkopf tried, as reported by several media websites, to justify what had happened on the “road to death”: “The first reason we bombed that highway coming from the north of Kuwait was that there were a large number of heavy weapons and military equipment in it, and I gave orders to everyone under my authority that I wanted every piece of these weapons completely destroyed. Second, they were not a group of innocent people who were trying to make their way home across the Iraqi border, they were a group of rapists, murderers, and robbers who killed, raped and looted Kuwait City, and now they are trying to get out of the country before they are caught.” Then came the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, which handed the entire region into the unknown.
Fin ally, I would like to say that these massacres in Iraq were carried out with financial, military, and intelligence assistance from the regimes of Najd, the Hijaz, the Arabic-speaking states of the Arabian Gulf, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and others, and media support from the rest of the Arab countries that are crying today over the massacres of the Zionists against the people of Gaza in occupied Palestine.
Let every sane person know that the colonial countries have no covenant or dhimma, and it is wrong to think that the fox has a religion.

Notice: Translated from Arabic by Ibrahim Ebeid

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