
Gaza and Sudan need our help- By Ibrahim Ebeid

By Ibrahim Ebeid

Gaza and Sudan need our help

By Ibrahim Ebeid
August 9, 2024

The situation in Gaza and Sudan is very similar; it is very drastic for people suffering from the unjust wars launched against them.
In this article, I am dealing with the suffering of the people in Gaza and Sudan as a result of the wars, lack of food, medicine, and;; essential requirements to have a decent life,
Alhadaf newspaper reported that ‎Since the outbreak of the conflict in April last year, displaced people in Darfur have complained of the cessation of humanitarian aid, while the floods have also made it difficult for aid to reach from Chad through the Tine crossing, as UN agency officials have been calling on the government to open border crossings, including the Adri crossing on the border with Chad, the General Coordinator of IDPs and Refugees in Darfur said.‎
‎The coordination said in a statement received by “Al-Hadaf” a copy of it that an emergency meeting was held yesterday, Tuesday, “6” August, between the leaders of the displaced in the camp “Kalima,” discussed the catastrophic humanitarian situation, ‎‎the spread of famine, food scarcity, the lack of life-saving medicines, treatment, shelter materials and supplies, and the high prices of basic foodstuffs in the markets, with heavy rainfall, which caused significant damage to homes, and the accumulation of dirt in the yards, and ponds that lead to the breeding of mosquitoes in the camps of the displaced in Darfur, especially the Kalma camp in the south of Darfur.‎
‎The meeting called on the international bodies “the United Nations and its agencies” to intervene urgently and immediately to relieve the displaced and help them from the danger of starvation and collectively, and that the humanitarian response be very quickly according to the urgent need to save them from the suffering that has been going on for two decades.
Many organizations around the World, including Doctors Without Borders and some of my friends who live in Gaza, describe the situation as it is not as what the Zionist entity and the White House claim, people of Gaza are also suffering like the people of Sudan; here is a brief report that Doctors without borders say,
Almost ten months into the devastating war in Gaza, Israeli forces unrelenting, indiscriminate strikes have reduced much of the Strip to rubble and upended the lives of millions of Palestinians.
Constant violence has made it nearly impossible to deliver humanitarian aid and provide medical care. Stocks of fuel, food, water, and medicines are dangerously low, and people are trapped in renewed fighting. Children, in particular, are enduring immense suffering amid the spike in malnutrition cases.
Despite the significant risk and immense challenges, our teams continue to provide lifesaving aid and medical care in Gaza. Doctors Without Borders has over 400 staff currently on the ground in Gaza. At Al-Shaboura Clinic, our teams have conducted over 36,000 medical consultations, including over 15,000 pediatric cases. The needs, however, continue to grow every day.

This article portrays a miniature statue of the suffering people of Palestine and Sudan. Please help them by spreading the word. They need your love and support. Please share this article.

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