The massacre of the Tulkarm camp- Editorial By Ibrahim Ebeid October 6, 2024
Editorial By Ibrahim Ebeid
The massacre of the Tulkarm camp
Editorial By Ibrahim Ebeid
October 6, 2024
The Palestinian people since 1948 were exposed to mass murder by the Zionist gangs, and this act continues until these days. Now, we are witnessing it happening again in the refugee camp in Palestine, in the West Bank. The Palestinians are not considered humans and are treated like roaches that have to be crushed, as the Zionist Rabbis preach. What makes it worse is the encouragement of the United States, most politicians, and every administration since Truman till now, not to forget the Western powers who proceeded the United States by recognizing the Zionist movement and endorsed the Balfour Declaration to grant Palestine to the Jews, by doing so a new genocide is imposed on the Palestinians by the victims of Hitler and the support of those who bolster this illegal entity ( Israel) At the time of the air raid on the camp, a cafe where young people were gathering to eat and to spend social time, the bombs fell on them and shredded their bodies apart and beyond recognition; this is a massacre, a murder which is unfortunately tolerated by many people around the World who portray the Palestinian people, unjustly, as savage murderers who want to kill the ” Israelis and take over their land” indeed many people around the World are brainwashed by the Zionist and Western propaganda and depict the Palestinians who were expelled from their homes by force as such. Now, the entirety of Palestine is under Zionist colonialist settlers who gathered from around the world and live in usurped land, cities, and towns that do not belong to them. I my self a Palestinian who was residing in Yafa was expelled from my house with my family under the guns, like hundreds of thousands of Palestinians; I was in sixth grade at that time. Do you expect us Palestinians to forget? We are not the terrorists; the foreign settlers are; we Palestinians have the right to defend ourselves, not the invaders. The war widened up to destroy any force in the area that stood up with the Palestinians, and Iraq had to be occupied to impose new injustice and facilitate the expansion of the Zionist entity; for this reason, the Golan Heights was occupied and annexed to the settler state, Gaza was completely destroyed and became ruined, thousands were killed, and wounded, some of the dead are under the ruins that would not be discovered. If they were found, they would not be identified. Now the vicious war has turned against Lebanon, the country is suffering enormously, and the war against Lebanon is continuing without a lull; the Zionist forces are preparing for an invasion that will create continuous suffering for the Arab people until the conscience of the World Wakes up if it ever does.