
Iraq: The Harvest of Twenty Years of Occupation!!

Al-Hadaf Editorial

Iraq: The Harvest of Twenty Years of Occupation!!
In March 2003 AD, the United States of America launched a brutal aggression against Iraq that ended with its occupation. As planned and announced, US targeted to overthrow the experience of national governance, which, with its national and international achievements and positions, crossed the so-called red lines.
USA embodying the highest stages of global imperialism in plundering and violating the sovereignty of states and peoples, and robbed them of the right to determine their future and destiny. For that occupation, the United States mobilized all the international and regional forces of evil at an unprecedented level, ignoring any international legitimacy. It employed the arsenal of weapons intended to confront the former Soviet Union and its old world, in the face of a country, the area of which does not exceed one of its states.
Iraq, represented by its national system, constituted a stumbling block to the American plans in the region, and this was expressed by the US Secretary of State that Iraq stands as an obstacle against generalizing the American view of life in the region. This foundation formed the starting point for the aggression and occupation that Zionism paved for since the bombing of the Tammuz nuclear reactor in the year 1982 AD, through the Iraqi-Iranian war and the aggression of 1991 AD, and the page of the siege and then the occupation.
The previous preface of aggression was a gate to the crime of the occupation, according to which all the reasons, flimsy arguments and lies were exposed, and only the core truth of the invasion and occupation remained. This is because the actual aim was to overthrow of the Iraqi national regime, as a plea to plundering its wealth, dividing it, weakening it, diminishing its role, isolating it from its cultural context and national depth, and linking it to a wheel of the American-Zionist policy in the region, as a preamble to redrawing the maps of the region according to what was called the New Middle East.
The occupation and its cronies, who came with it on the back of the American tanks, failed to market their project in coordination with the populists and Ottoman Iranian plan in Iraq and the region. They became colonial agents by excellence and part of the machine of plunder and political, financial and administrative corruption, relying on militia, sectarianism and political doctrine, which the national system has bypassed by the unity of Iraq, land and people, since the March 1972 statement.
Iraq, which has reached an advanced stage of advancement and scientific and civilizational progress under the Baath regime, and an advanced level in indicators of economic and social development, has now become a colonial estate in which international interests intersect, with a frightening rise in poverty rates, unemployment, demographic change and corruption. It witnessed an almost complete absence of Iraq in International and regional forums, in which it dominated the arena with its national and humanitarian stances.
The simple comparisons, the Iraqi citizen revealed the vast rift between the national system and its honorable symbols, who represented models of integrity, impartiality and patriotism, so that no party could accuse any of them of corruption, breach of trust, or otherwise, and between the ruling groups and gangs with their various titles, despite their misery, poverty, and employment that the people of Iraq and its living forces have been resisting, with their valiant armed resistance and renewed peaceful uprisings with the aim of overthrowing the colonial political process, and removing its effects in a national, democratic, pluralistic Iraq for all Iraqis.
Al-Hadaf Editorial

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