
A Christian Arab Speaks On Islam By Ibrahim Ebeid Al-Farr.

By Ibrahim Ebeid Al-Farr

A Christian Arab Speaks On Islam
By Ibrahim Ebeid Al-Farr.
January 25, 2024

Since its inception, Islam was an integrated part of the Arabs, and the Arabs were its essence and substance. The Holy Quran was delivered in Arabic, and the Banner of Islam was entrusted to the Arabs through the Prophet Muhammad. Islam became the guiding light that motivated our unity and the catalyst of the glorious state that our ancestors built.
The Prophet was the first to reveal the integrated relation between Islam and Arabism. He said, according to Abul Qasim At-Tabrani, ” If the Arabs were respected, then Islam is revered, and if the Arabs were humiliated, then Islam is reduced.”
Khalifa Omar Ibn Al-Khattab considered the Arabs to be the substance of Islam, and he ordered his deputies not to flog the Arabs lest they be humiliated. Indeed, our ancestors understood this genuine integrated relationship between Islam and Arabism. For this reason, the Christian Arab tribes joined the Arab Muslims in the fight for liberation against the Romans and against the Persians.

When Al-Hurmuzan, the Persian leader, was defeated in the battle of al-Ahwaz and brought to Omar in Al-Madina, Al Hurmuzan said to Khalifa Omar, “When God was not with you, nor with us, we have defeated you.’ But Omar was quick to respond. ” You have defeated us in Asr Al Jahiliyah because you were united, and we were divided.”

Almanazirah, Christians of Iraq, and the Christian Arabs from Syria, the Ghassani, fought against the Persians in the battle of Al-Qadisiyah. Jublat Ibn Al-Ayham, a Christian Arab king in Palestine, fought against the Romans and took part in the liberation of Jerusalem. Patriarch Ya’qoub Sophoronius welcomed Omar to Al-Quds, Jerusalem, and adorned him with the city’s keys. The victory was achieved due to political and nationalist ideological unity among Arabs of all faiths and beliefs.
During the Islamic Arab State, Science, Medicine, Physics, Math, Philosophy, and astronomy were advanced, and Baghdad was the center of learning.
During the Crusader Wars, Christians and Muslims fought side by side against the invaders; one of my ancestors, Suleiman Al-Suweriky, who became known as Al-Mualem, was one of the prominent doctors to Saldin and one of the strategic planners for the Commander. Another ancestor, Jiries Al-Farr, his father, and brother Khalil fortified the wall of Akka, Acre, and fought against Napoleon when he tried to occupy the city and failed. Christian Arabs were and still are an integrated part of the Arab Nation; in Palestine, they are an inseparable part of the resistance, and they are part of the Prophet Nation.

A new stage is sprouting on the horizon; its sparkles are rising from Gaza to the entire World, and the events in Gaza have awakened many people around the Globe to embrace the just cause in Palestine. Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance are not terrorists, as the US administration and others unjustly smeared them. Hamas and the Resistance are fighting against an enemy who occupies Palestine and imprisons two and half Million people in the largest concentration camp in the World, depriving them of essential necessities for living. Palestinians have suffered ethnic cleansing and genocide for more than 75 years; Netanyahu, his likes, and his supporters are the real terrorists; they should be tried and convicted for genocide.
The treatment of Israeli prisoners by Hamas in Gaza testifies that it was humane and respectful; medicine and food were available, according to the testimony of prisoners who were released.

The aim of Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance is the total liberation of historic Palestine and the establishment of a secular democratic state free from Zionism for all to live in a united country in peace and harmony.
We will restore the glory of our nation crowned with progress and advancement. And respect for humanity; these are the principles of Islam that we, Christian Arabs, adhere to and revere.

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