
The tragedy and disaster of Sudan Must Stop. By Ahmed Mukhtar Al-Bayt -Sudan- Published April 2, 2024

By Ahmed Mukhtar Al-Bayt

The tragedy and disaster of Sudan Must Stop.
By Ahmed Mukhtar Al-Bayt -Sudan-

Published April 2, 2024

Approximately 20 billion dollars, a number that needs to be stopped, is the size of the Sudanese investments in the Republic of Egypt since the beginning of the war on April 15, 2023, CE until now, January 2024 CE, and those who resorted to it, numbering 400 thousand people on the same date, and these numbers, for officials at the top of the pyramid of Egyptian power, (an interview with Engineer Fathallah Fawzi) is available in the media. Torrents of people fleeing from the hell of war are still flowing with smuggling risks to Egypt, and these are financially capable.
Here inside the country, 25 million citizens suffer from severe shortages of food and nourishment and are threatened by famine, according to the reports of the United Nations organizations specialized in this regard, including 7.7 million internally displaced people suffering from terrible and complicated conditions of cold and hunger, in which the most basic necessities of life are lacking. There are 2.5 million refugees in neighboring countries. Due to the failure of the agricultural season in all of Sudan, the price of corn mobile reached record numbers, and families could not provide their necessary and urgent needs, including food, clothing, and shelter. And treatment, stranded, dispersed at home and abroad.
According to official statistics, 6,900,000 school-age children are outside the school walls, and 12 million who faced instability in education before the war are now homeless on the streets inside and outside the country.
And 36 percent of children suffering from acute malnutrition, Parkinson’s, and atrophy appeared in the gold mining areas,
Divorces increased due to economic decline, homelessness, absenteeism, unemployment, and loss of livelihoods. According to a study conducted in the media, divorce cases reached within four years only 271,939.
The same study says that divorce cases in one year amounted to (6435) cases, and during “11” years only, the cases of births outside the framework of the marital relationship in Khartoum state alone, 7000 cases, (seven thousand) cases due to family disintegration.
Famine is now showing its teeth, and war is besieging citizens throughout the geography of Sudan, with death, fear, instability, displacement, dislocation, asylum, ignorance, diseases, epidemics, poverty, and the loss of the future. These food prices in one state are considered one of the richest in Sudan, where the cost of malwa corn Tabat is 4000 pounds, and Fatrita is 3300 pounds. Malwa onions are 8000 pounds, Luba 6000 pounds, Wicca 4000 pounds, Cleo lentils cost 2800 pounds, rice 2000 pounds, a pound of oil is 1000 pounds, and a kilo of sugar is 2200 pounds. And a pound of milk, 700 pounds. The loaf weighs 45 grams for 100 pounds. The forest fruits, which the people of Sudan depend on, especially in the month of Ramadan, such as Al-Ardib and Al-Baoba, have a great scarcity, and available prices are very high, beyond the capacity of most citizens. In contrast, the pound, the national currency, lost about 100% of its value (power) in purchasing, and the displaced workers in state institutions who did not receive their salaries for more than 9 months) to love life if they can. Is there a justification for the continuation of the war?
Stopping the war has become a humanitarian and moral necessity for every sane person in this country.

Note: Translated from Arabic by Sawt Al Oroba.

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