
Congressman Tim Walberg Full Of Hatred By Ibrahim Ebeid. Editorial

By Ibrahim Ebeid. Editorial


Congressman Tim Walberg Full Of Hatred

By Ibrahim Ebeid.

April 3, 2024

I wish the representatives that we elect would stop preaching hate and disregard for humans and humanity. The majority of them are brain-drained and full of hate toward Arabs and especially towards the Palestinians. We observe this trend augmenting during or before the campaign for elections; the majority of these representatives succumbed under Zionist pressure and influence, such as GOP Rep. Tim Walberg, who suggests Gaza should be handled ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.’
The Michigan congressman said his comments were intended to convey his desire for Israel and Ukraine to “swiftly” end their wars “without putting American troops in harm’s way.”
This dude invoked Hiroshima and Nagasaki while talking about the conflict in Gaza on March 31, 2024.
War of genocide in Gaza does not matter to this representative of Michigan as long as the victims are Palestinians, even if the entire people of Gaza were wiped out.
This attitude and call should be centered and condemned; it is racist and makes anyone who encourages such a crime liable. He is a partner in crime and should not be our representative. Such representatives should be purged and punished according to the laws of justice.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a stain in the history of the United States that cannot be forgotten or forgiven. The remark of Representative Walberg is an insult to Japan and to those who were killed by the nuclear bombs. It is an insult to humanity and to ethiks.

We call upon the citizens of the United States to take a united stand to force a genuine change in America and save it from the claws of Zionism and hatred.

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