
The Zionists of the United States and Netanyahu BY ibrahim Ebeid. Editorial July 31, 2024

BY ibrahim Ebeid. Editorial July 31, 2024

The Zionists of the United States and Netanyahu

BY ibrahim Ebeid.
July 31, 2024

Netanyahu’s speech to the Zionists of the US Lawmakers was not a new approach; it was fragile, full of hatred towards the Palestinians.
To many Americans, his speech was full of hate and support for the continuation of the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing. He asked for more support from the United States to continue the massacre of the Palestinians to make Palestine a Jewish state from the river to the sea and beyond; of course, he portrayed Zionism as a humanitarian movement and denied that Israel committed genocide, and vehemently he attacks the International Court at the Hague for condemning the entity for crimes of genocide, at the same time he praised President Biden for being Zionist. He admitted that the United States and (Israel are the best strategic allies to protect their shared interest in the Middle East.
This dude, who has no dignity and respect for humanity, attacked the American protesters and protesters around the World and accused them of antisemitism. He accused Iran of being behind the protest and financing it. The morans of the congress were applauding and standing up for this criminal. The applause was after every sentence that he puked. This proves that the United States officials are fully controlled under the spell of Zionism.
According to the news we follow, roughly half of House and Senate Democrats skipped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, according to an Axios headcount.
Why it matters: Many lawmakers, particularly progressive Israel critics, made clear they were explicitly boycotting the event in protest of Netanyahu’s prosecution of the war in Gaza.
Among the boycotters are former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), former House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).
Isolationist Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) made clear he was explicitly boycotting the speech as well, saying he didn’t want to be a “prop” for Netanyahu.
By the numbers: Roughly 100 House Democrats and 28 Senate Democrats were present in the chamber for the Israeli prime minister’s speech, meaning around half of both caucuses were absent.
We learned that the empty seats of those who boycotted Netanyahu were filled by Zionist stooges to chant for the Zionist entity in support of the murderer. The US Congress, who are pro genocide and massacring of the Palestinians, are experts in deceiving and misleading the American people, but this time, they were exposed.
It is about time for America to wake up and join the forces of justice and peace; it is time to unite humanity; it is time to stop genocide in Palestine. It is time to support free Palestine from the river to the sea so everyone can live in peace and harmony.

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