
Is American Democracy alive or dead? Editorial – August 13, 2024 By Ibrahim Ebeid

By Ibrahim Ebeid

Is American Democracy alive or dead?

Editorial – August 13, 2024

By Ibrahim Ebeid

  Democracy in the Western world means oppression, exploitation, and constant wars in the Third World, in the so-called Middle East and Africa. I am a naturalized US citizen and a Vietnam-era veteran, I did not serve in the war, but my unit, the 25th Division, did, and many of my friends died in this war of aggression, their names inscribed on the Wall in the capital. When the United States sets rules regarding who is allowed to come and seek permanent residence and who is not, that is fine and should be respected. But when it comes to different nations, the US attitude is different; the US sends its armed forces and the forces of NATO to occupy other lands, destroy them, kill its scientists, steal the wealth, and spread ignorance and poverty, as we have witnessed in Iraq and other parts of the World. For more than a hundred years, the West has committed a war of aggression, mass murder, and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. In this case, when it comes to the Palestinians, the people of Palestine are not allowed to set rules and laws to regulate immigration to their Homeland. The West is responsible for creating a settler colonialist entity in Palestine and for the sufferings that befell the Palestinians. We see this suffering at its peak right now in the West Bank and in Gaza, and the United States and its allies keep supplying the Zionists with weapons to murder more Palestinians; Palestinians are like roaches; they have to be crushed, according to the Zionist leaders, and the United States administration keeps calling the Palestinians terrorists. When someone comes and Robbs your house and expells you by force, will you resist and try all means to get it back? How about if some people from around the World come and take over the entire country, force the whole people out by force, and claim that this country is not yours anymore? Wouldn’t you resist and fight against invasion? Who is the terrorist in this case? The defender or the invader? Why are other nations allowed to regulate the laws of immigration and Palestinians not allowed to? Why are all nations permitted to defend themselves and the Palestinians are not? Do you know now why people hate the United States and the West? We have to put America on the right track to abandon arrogance and believe in democracy, humanity, and justice around the World. Aggression and occupation are not the Answer; A DEMOCRATIC SECULAR PALESTINE FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA IS THE ANSWER

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