
Palestine, heart of history and land of martyrs by Engineer Hosni Hayek Translated by Doctor Basma Babay

Translated by Doctor Basma Babay

Palestine, heart of history and land of martyrs
by Engineer Hosni Hayek
Translated by Doctor Basma Babay
Extract from a series of articles: Palestine is the first civilization and the gateway to earth and sky.
In the context of the mad war waged by orientalist circles and in full coordination with most of the historians and archaeologists of the usurping Zionist entity, who made the discredited book (the Torah) the basis on which archaeological finds and facts of history were built. Particularly from those who dealt with the results of the excavations discovered in Palestine, which showed to what extent the people of Palestine were aware of the question of cultural development and the consequent development of tools which, according to their development, expressed the reality of spatial goodness and of the link in the blessed land (Jacques Covan – Unity of civilizations in the Al-Sham country between the ninth and the seventh millennium BC). These findings prompted archaeologists to adopt the Palestinian civilizational data discovered, as the basis for naming or classifying the civilizations of neighboring and discovered countries, such as the Cabaret and Engineering Cabaret civilizations that date back to Mount Mukaber in Palestine … and the Zerzuyun civilization and the Natufian civilization which dates back to Wadi Natuf in the mountains of Jerusalem and Hebron in Palestine .. and the Khayamite civilization which dates back to the site of Khiam (Adnan Al-Hadidi – Jordan and Palestine, history and civilization). This caused these departments to resort to falsifying or manipulating the results of these discoveries in order to fabricate reliable readings by making a link, binding the Jews, even if falsely, to the blessed land and to Jerusalem !. .
On this basis, the Zionist occupation authorities suspended the work of British archaeologist Kathleen Kennon in 1967 after she announced the results of her excavation of facts that refute claims of high-ranking Zionist archaeologists who promoted archaeological finds related to (the Torah) in one of the Palestinian hills. and especially after she refuted the biblical discourse on the history of the Palestinian city of Jericho, and after having proved that the history of the city goes back to the Natufian period, which extends between 8000 and 12000 years Before Christ. Its excavations also revealed the presence of 23 layers representing 23 successive civilizations of the people of Palestine. The accumulation of these Palestinian civilizations on top of each other is what made the current rise of one of these hills destined to be promoted by Zionist archaeologists … While, at the site of Tell Al-Sultan, a city was discovered thousands of years before the formation of human societies known until now in the ancient world (photo attached). The discovered effects of the city indicated the existence of a strong economy, based on income from agricultural and commercial operations such as the cattle trade. It also indicated the existence of a strong central administration headed at the time by a leader who organized its affairs (Borhard Prentiss – The emergence of ancient civilizations – Translated by Gabriel Youssef Kabas) … It was discovered that the Palestinians of Jericho had fenced off their city, which occupies an area of ​​ten hectares and with an estimated population of three thousand people with five walls. On the third wall they placed towers with stairs to watch over the movements of the invaders … It was even before seven thousand years that Nebuchadnezzar (the hero of the Chaldean captivity of the Jews) built the Tower of Babel (the tower was built in the sixth century BC, and on its basis the theory of the different languages ​​of the peoples that Bulb was a god) the Apostles spoke their languages ​​according to the Torah, fearing for his kingdom from the threat of the people who ascended to him from the Tower of Babel! …).
The Palestinians of Jericho also advanced in their agriculture, crossing cattle and discovering the copper from which they made their tools … Palestinians of Jericho also developed the textile, ceramics and pottery industries. These discoveries showed that these industries were of a high level of perfection, especially after excavators found ornate paintings consisting of drawings of birds and animals and certain rituals of worship, which proves that the city of Jericho is the oldest city discovered in human civilization. In fact, we can say that it was the first city discovered in the world (no other city seems to have preceded it in time) … It was eight thousand years before the priests of Babylon wrote the book (the Torah) and spread Judaism, as it was four thousand years before (the birth of Adam the Torah)! …
Written by Engineer Hosni Hayek
Translated by Doctor Basma Babay

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