
 US Citizen and Vietnam era Vet By Ibrahim Ebeid August 20,2024

By Ibrahim Ebeid

 US Citizen and Vietnam era Vet

By Ibrahim Ebeid

August 20,2024

To my fellow Americans

The best approach to liberate America from the grip and control of the Zionists is to abstain from voting. This act will be a peaceful resistance to saving America and the world and put America on the right track.
America does not need clowns and stooges to rule; it needs people with conscience, wisdom, and capability to lead. The Democratic and Republican Parties do not represent American hopes and aspirations of the United States; they represent the settler colonialist Israel entity and become part of committing crimes of ethnic cleansing and Genocide. We have witnessed it many times. Most of our representatives are competing among themselves
to prove who is a better servant and supporter of the Zionist entity and who is more loyal. Their loyalty is inclined more toward Israel than to the United States.
Boycotting is not easy at this time for several reasons that are dominating the minds of the majority of the people. Many people believe that voting is a constitutional right. It is also a constitutional right to boycott in protest of unconstitutional violations of our candidates and representatives, mainly when they are controlled and managed by foreign lobbies to represent foreign entities instead of the interests of the United States and its people.
The two-party system is very fragile and leads to dictatorship camouflaged as democracy. We need a better system. We must understand our system better and put America on the right track. We need lawmakers to represent us.
Boycotting the Election would send shock waves to both parties, Democrats and Republicans, and create a genuine movement that cares for us, humanity, and justice for all.

Tuesday, August 20, 2, 2024, is the day of the people to let the Democratic Party Convention know that we, the people, are distraught to see that our government is participating in genocide in Palestine, supporting the Zionist colonialist settler entity is a crime against humanity. Our representatives. Democrats and Republicans do not represent us. They represent the racist Zionist movement. For this reason, we have to start a peaceful revolution to boycott the election.

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