The theory of natures between (the Monkey) of Darwin and (the Slave) of Aristotle …! Written by Hosni Al-Hayek. Translated by Doctor Basma Babay.
Written by Hosni Al-Hayek. Translated by Doctor Basma Babay.
The theory of natures between (the Monkey) of Darwin and (the Slave) of Aristotle …!
Written by Hosni Al-Hayek.
Translated by Doctor Basma Babay.
Dr Abdullah Ibrahim says: “The statement that the modern West inherited from the Greeks explains the Western synthesis of the theory of natures, which is a racist and fanatic theory, which means that people have natures that they themselves inherits from generation to generation. This theory supported his statements with ethnological findings as they appeared in Darwin, and then the results were generalized to human races based on the premise that there are human races that inherit traits that transcend stages of development. history of society, and that these genetic traits are responsible for different social developments “… In fact, the theory of natures finds its origins in the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who established a hierarchical division of human beings which includes the division of individuals in “naturally free” and “naturally slave” … And this philosophy which Aristotle advocated, was combined with the pathological omissions of the priests mentioned in the book (the Torah), in particular those projections which belong to the concept of (the god chosen among the gods) and (the people chosen among the peoples), to lead to this abnormal marriage, a racist philosophy. of the Renaissance in the West leaned to justify the barbarism of colonialism (which is governed by the loans of Jewish usurers) against all the peoples of the world …Based on this racist marriage of roots, immoral norms have been legislated and adopted to divide the world into racial levels. Where these criteria have stripped most of the peoples of the world of their innate and human equilibrium, to throw them in containers of racist classification which did not escape the pathological projections of the priests! .. These priests who perpetuated the hypothesis of (God of Torah) madly in love with his chosen clan, rebellious and provocateur who treats them as rebels and provocateurs, carrying his (holy) seal in his pocket, to bless his hatred and his wickedness against the other of the peoples of the world! .. Thus, all those claiming to be from the clan of the Blood Children of Israel were distinguished from scattered horizons (the Jews) in the rank of “naturally free” … As for the peoples claiming to be clans of the Soul Children of ‘Israel (The Anglo-Saxons) were classified as “naturally slaves”, because they were created (according to the reformist proposals of Martin Luther) only to transfer to Palestine the clan of the “naturally free” and respond to its demands … which enabled the West, in particular to the peoples who claim to be the clans of the soul children of Israel, to deal with other peoples on the grounds that they are neither “naturally free” nor “naturally slaves”. That’s mean, these peoples did not reach the stage of human classification! … They therefore treated them by looting and extermination, and by digging up bones in graves, perhaps the bones of the ancestors of these peoples piled on top of each other, predicting that the origin of their first human ancestor was once an ape and was not a descendant of Adam. And this unranked creature of humans is still reckless, or superficial, far from evolution; in order to be stripped of the rank of Darwin’s (Monkey) and classified to the rank of Aristotle’s (Slave)! … Through Darwin’s theory, he tried hard proved that the Jews who disobeyed their lord and set their nets on the Sabbath were not deformed to be apes, just as divine punishment did not come to them. Because, according to the biblical idea of Darwin, they were created under the image of the (God of Torah) madly in love with them! This is why Darwin meant that the Jews were not turned into apes because they disobeyed the Lord of the worlds, but that mankind was the one who disobeyed the orders of (the disciple deity) and did not give the Jews accessibility to Palestine. So, the metamorphosis was at the origin of his human being! … and his theory of the origin of man did not include the clan created at the image of the (God of Torah), especially since the priests of the Torah did not write in (Genesis – 27-30-40) about their God the following: “… enslave and the tribes worship you. Be Lord over your brethren, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you. “Those who curse you be cursed, and those who bless you be blessed. “…
From this distorted and racist point of view, the Jewish usurers looked at the patron of colonization to the peoples who do not belong to the clan, with both sides! …
From this point of view, they decided that these peoples needed a process of rehabilitation and colonization in order to climb the ladder of evolution from the (Monkey) of Darwin to the (Slave) of Aristotle, to suit him after reforming and modernizing it in clan service … Who gave the right to the other ape (according to Darwin’s theory) of those claiming the lineage of the Soul Children of Israel, who developed and became a human through the reformist revolution of Martin Luther; And, took the hat to complete the cycle of development, to usurp the lands of others, to steal their resources, and to sanctify Judea, which caused these peoples to fall victim to its greed and hatred! …
Especially, after Martin Luther launched Christian Zionism, after having published in 1523 his book, in which he said: “The Holy Spirit revealed all the Genesis of the Holy Book that through the Jews alone, the Jews are the sons of God, and we are the foreign guests and that is why we must admit to being like dogs who eat what falls from the crumbs of their masters’ table ”(Mohammed Al-Sammak – Christian Zionism – p. 34)! …This can nullify the cultures of the peoples with the tip of its gun and thus erase its civilization. Believing that the civilizations that preceded the stage of the priests prowling the avenues of Babylon were not the work of man, but were the work of lazy (gods) who created man to rest from the trouble of seeking gold scales in order to protect his atmosphere, and their civilization was recorded in the excavations discovered in Sumer …
Thus, the peoples who do not belong to the clans of the Children of Israel or do not serve their interests become backward and cursed peoples who do not even manage to rise to the rank of “Naturally Slaves”. In order to adopt a new hybrid culture that fits with (biblical) barbarism, which qualifies them to earn the mark of quality, modernization and Western renaissance. And it is the sacrifice which is eligible for the slaughter and roasting on the incinerators of the Jews and their ambitions to rule the world from the temple of Satan which they aim to build in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque! .. .
Written by Engineer Hosni Al-Hayek.
Translated by Doctor Basma Babay.